Friday, June 15, 2012

Exciting News!

Dear Followers of the The Jury Box,

It is with great excitement and anticipation that I write today to tell you all that I have recently accepted a position with TrialGraphix, the nation's premier full-service litigation consulting firm. The company website can be found at

TrialGraphix, as its name would imply, is known for unparalleled design and execution of courtroom graphics and animation. Many of you know my views on the importance of visual learning among jurors, so I am thrilled to be associated with a firm at the cutting edge of that field. Now, I can not only make recommendations to my clients about demonstratives, but I can offer those clients the talent and resources at TrialGraphix to make those demonstratives come to life.

TrialGraphix is also at the forefront of trial technology, providing the expertise and technical solutions for any litigator's courtroom needs.

Of particular interest to me -- and you, too, I hope -- is TrialGraphix's long track record as one of the country's most respected jury consulting firms. One reason I agreed to join TrialGraphix is the tremendous respect I have for the jury consultants who are already there. I can't wait to work with them and to introduce them all to you.

For those of you who have worked with me in the past, rest assured that I remain committed to serving the needs of my existing clients. I will be running the jury consulting practice in the New York City office, which is a big change for me, but I will be in Boston often. This position provides me with the best of both worlds: the opportunity to continue to serve my New England clients and the potential to help future clients all over the country.

Since I have subscribers to the Jury Box from all over the country (and even other parts of the world), I want you to know that there is probably a TrialGraphix office near you. The company has offices is San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Minneapolis, Miami, Washington and New York. By all means, feel free to contact me directly with any jury issues that come up, but know that we have experience working in every state.

I plan to continue to publish the Jury Box Blog in much the way I have always done so. I apologize for the recent dearth of posts, but I have been quite busy preparing for my new job. I expect that the logo will change to reflect my association with TrialGraphix, but otherwise it will remain pretty much as is. I hope to get some of my new colleagues to contribute guest posts for time to time, especially in the courtroom graphics and trial technology fields.

Thank you all for your continued support of the Jury Box Blog and, by all means, look me up the next time you are in The Big Apple!
